Section V Track & Field website
W-FL League Track & Field Handbook
Emergency Procedures (NYS PHSAA)
Clarification memo for determining heat index / wind chill by zip code
Coaching Students with Disabilities
Now available on NFHS: Videos for coaching adapted track and field, including Seated throws, throwing frame construction, wheelchair racing - push stroke basics, visually impaired coaching tips, and much more. View all 15 videos on the NFHS Learning Center.
Host school - call in results. Do your part to promote our sport!
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sports@messengerpostmedia.comFinger lakes times- 1-800-388-6652 ext. 243 Fax 315-789-4077
sports@fltimes.comD&C- 585-258-2400 then press 1 Fax: 585-258-2776
Wayne Finger Lakes Track & Field and Cross Country